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Keep It Simple Stupid

Updated: Jan 10, 2021


I’m surrounded by Post It notes, sitting in the middle of my living room floor, on my third draft of “Hi, my name is Jennifer and I’m a Beauty Therapist”

I’ve learnt a few things about myself already,

  1. My brain works at least 3 times faster than I can type.

  2. I really need to learn to type with more than 2 fingers.

  3. I really am a Beauty Therapist through and through.

17 years old and I chickened out of applying for the RAF. A friend applied for a place to study Beauty Therapy at college, so along I went. It seemed a very good way of  not having to leave home or carry on to do A levels.

17 years later and my word I’m glad I went! Beauty Therapy has become a very large,very rewarding and very important part of my life.

I work a lot of hours during the week to ensure I can see and treat as many of my clients at a time convenient to them.

One of the best feelings in the world is experiencing the look of pleasure and relaxation on the face of my client after a treatment with me .

I get a great deal of enjoyment from researching and learning as much as I can about my beloved Beauty Industry, so I can pass on the love and inspiration to anyone who’ll listen.

At a time in my career where I’m settled and happy at Beauty in Barrowford, alongside the lovely Jo and Shelley, I feel like this blog, Facebook page and (fingers crossed) upcoming website, will allow me to improve my skills and further understand how I can become a better therapist.

My hopes and goals for this year are simple,

Training in our brand new skincare range, Elemis, will allow me to offer a new perspective on how to best look after, improve and enjoy looking after your skin.


Training in Reflexology, another string to the bow, so useful for promoting relaxation, and giving balance to the delicate systems of the body.

Discovering, through this blog and Facebook page, what I can do to further help my clients and become the best therapist I can. To meet and chat to new people, reassure and give advice to anyone who needs it and to enjoy another facet of the industry.


So that’s me, just doing my job.. And just to avoid the whole one dimensional thing…. I love my family, my cats, motorbikes and racing, clothes,shoes,gardening and I have a bit of a Twitter addiction… I’ll try and keep this professional so I won’t go on about these TOO much 😀

Id love to hear from you all as I go along with my little voyage of discovery

Love Jennifer x

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